Tips to Improve the Response Time of your Site

Tips to Improve the Response Time of your Site-byappsinvo.

The beginning point to upgrade the response time of your website and to identify it you need to verify if there is any speed problem. You may notice it at first sight, it is advisable to use specialized tools. Through this method, you can get to know what sort of adjustments you should make on your company website. For a free tool, you can use Google Page speed insights that tell how much fast your website is and tell you the list of aspects to rectify it. If you consider that the WordPress site should improve its speed after using the google page speed insights. In this blog, we provide some tips that help you to improve the response time of your site. 

What is Server Response time?

Server response time is the time between a client requesting a page in the browser and a server responding to that request. The server response time is measured by the time to first byte (TTFB). TTFB measures how many milliseconds it takes to receive the first byte of the page after sending an HTTP request.

Tips to Improve the Server Response time

Opt fast and reliable web hosting

Whatever host you are using for your website, make sure it offers and fulfills the needs of online users and customers. It is imperative to maintain a swift server response time that does not variate and to get this, you should invest in a high-performance server. There are many reasons behind the slow servers like insufficient hosting services, shared resources, and many more. There are many data centers that offer a wide range of hosting and managed services.


CDN termed as a content delivery network and it is a framework of shared networks of proxy servers. They are geographically spread to provide the content to users as soon as possible. A global hosting server is away from the targeted audience that causes slow site loading time. To overcome this condition you need to identify the targeted audience before deciding on the hosting server provider. This makes it easy for you to find the right data center for your audience. By minimizing the distance between the visitors and hosting server can improve the response time.

Keep WordPress Lightweight

WordPress helps you to create beautiful and visually appealing websites easily. It has numerous themes and plugins for customizing your own websites in your own way. If you are using the WordPress template, try to opt for a lightweight template and avoid using too many plugins. To ensure the response time of the website you can use the webpage monitoring tool and examine the website the response time. 

Optimize Database

The response speed depends on database optimization. When you first set up a website, you need to give some data to quickly resolve the queries, as time passes the database gathers information. There are many ways to optimize the database to speed up the website. Find the reasons that make you lag on the optimization and helps to make your website fast.

Configure Caching

Caching makes sure the website has a great response time to deliver. If there is no caching, a browser requests assets from the server every time and the page takes time to load. There are WordPress plugins that enable store files locally on a user’s computer. The caching files are reused during future visits. It helps to improve the response time of your site and better UX.


Always remember, the basic aim of your website development is to gain traffic and make money. Having trendy designs and glossy images may seem good and well but they could not beneficial for your business and website if your visitor has to wait for more than 10 seconds to access your website. Go to the above-mentioned points and make sure your website has a good response time. 

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy

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