What is Web 3.0 & its Features


Web 3.0 is the most delinquent Internet technology that leverages machine learning, blockchain, and artificial intelligence to acquire real-world human transmission. The icing on the cake is that web 3.0 not only enables people to acknowledge their information but will be reimbursed for their time given on the web. in this blog, we will tell you about web 3.0, its features, and the difference between web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0. Let’s go

What is Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the third iteration of the Internet that interconnects information in a decentralized method to provide a quicker and more customized user experience. It is created utilizing artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the semantic web, and utilizes the blockchain security strategy to maintain your data secure and protected.

The concept behind using the semantic web is that it comprehends and analyzes the context and idea of the data. Therefore, when a user explores for an answer, web 3.0 provides the most precise and appropriate outcome to the end-user.

Tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are some of the few businesses currently creating an immense gain from user data. But web 3.0 will allow all of us to be reimbursed for our duration and data: “people have been manipulated by tech companies effectively, tricked into giving useful data away with small or no settlement from the companies who manage and profit from it.

This third age of the web is the Internet where you will appreciate personalized relations with devices and websites in an identical manner as when you articulate with any other person.

Key features of the Web 3.0

Open – It’s ‘open’ in the reason that it’s created with open-source software created by an honest and unrestricted community of developers and completed in the complete idea of the crowd.

Trustless – The network suggests release to users to interact publicly and privately without an intermediate revealing them to hazards, hence “trustless” information.

Permissionless – Anyone, including users and providers, can engage without the necessity for permission from a controlling institution.

Ubiquitous – Web 3.0 will create the Internet known to all of us, at any time and from any place. At some point, Internet-connected gadgets will no longer be restricted to computers and smartphones, as they are in web 2.0. Because of the IoT (Internet of Things), technology will allow the development of an assembly of new kinds of brilliant devices.

Distinguish between web 1.0, web 2.0, and web 3.0

Before we descend further into web 3.0, we require to comprehend how we got here via web 1.0 and web 2.0. Here’s a brief account of the Internet

Web 1.0 is a read-only web where people can read data registered on websites.

Web 2.0 is a read-write web where individuals can read and write content on websites and applications.

Web 3.0 is a read-write-interact web (powered by artificial intelligence) where people can read, write and interact with content, including 3D graphics, on websites and apps.


Web 3.0 allows a future where distributed users and machines are able to interact with data, value, and other counterparties via a substrate of peer-to-peer webs without the requirement for third parties. we will give you more info about the web 3.0

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy 

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