How to Make Mobile Apps more Visible

How to make Mobile-Apps-more-Visible-byappsinvo.

There are weeks or months need to complete a tedious task of developing well functioned mobile apps. And the development the next but imperative step is to upload an app on the app store or google play store as per its eligibility. But here is something interesting you need to know, there are 2.8 million apps on play store and 2.2 million apps on the app store. 

So, just developing a high-quality mobile app is not just enough and it is not a factor that makes your app successful in the play store. So, here in this blog, we have some points that will help in making your app more visible and increase the awareness and number of downloads of your app.

App Store Optimization (ASO)

There are many users who use Google search for any mobile app rather than on play store or app store. So it is important to optimize your app in the Google SERPs as well. Alike SEO, ASO also rely on some points, 

  • Meaning full title with an optimized app description.
  • App screenshots
  • Promotional teaser
  • Ratings and reviews. 

Before writing the app description, keep some points in mind that it should be short, easy to understand, and concise because the app store description is the first thing that users read and if they are unable to understand they will jump off swiftly. You can also use some keywords in the description so the search engines can find it easily through those keywords. 

Promotional Video

In this fast pace life, no one has enough time to read the long blog posts and read you each and every image. At this time, a video of your app will do a great job. The apps that have a promotional video or teaser, working well on the play store. So, if your app has not a promotional video, start working from today.

Build a Homepage for App

If you want to boost the reachability of your app, building a website for the mobile app will definitely work. A good ranking of your mobile app website on Google also helps to entice traffic to your app. 

It is very important to attract the attention of your audience to the valuable content and appealing design of the mobile app. You can also use some screenshots, describing videos and app descriptions will help you to make your app more visible. 

Advertising Campaign

If it is possible to run or operate an advertising campaign for your mobile app. Through displaying advertisements in the potential area and relevant targeted group, Adwords will definitely help you. 

Run an advertising campaign on similar apps to your own app, that helps to increase the user base and helps to entice more potential customers from Google. It is good to stay ahead in this competition.

App promotion on Social Media

The best way to spread information about the product and services through social media. You can do the promotion of your app to a large community via using social media platforms and if you don’t have a large community on social media, build it from right away because there is nothing operates and work without Instagram, Facebook, etc. 

Advertisment in Forums

It is very important to distribute information about the app on the internet. For introducing your own app, forums will definitely help you, the more posts you’ll publish through your app, the more will be better. Through this, the users will have the chance to give their valuable feedback or criticism of the app outside of the app store. 

While advertising in forums you can make conversation about the app and increase its popularity by providing a good basis. Giving responses to the comments of the users on both the app store and forum will boost the quality of the app and make it more visible on the play store. 


There will be nothing stand in the way of getting a good ranking and become more visible to the potential users on the play store if you use and follow the above points constantly. The success of mobile apps will reflect on the number of downloads but it only happens when your app is of top quality. So, make sure you hire an excellent web and mobile app development company for your mobile app.

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy

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