How to Make Your App More User Enticing

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We are living in an entrepreneur surrounding where almost 96% of people who are self-employed have no wish to go back to a ‘regular job’. The emergence of mobile apps and their easy-to-use tendency makes businesses create new and amazing mobile apps for their customers. There is a high possibility that this idea stays in some shape or form on the app store. But some of them are thriving and some are not. So what are the things you need to keep in mind which will help you to make your app more enticing for the users and make it a successful app in the app store? For the answer to this question, we come up with this blog article. 

Tips to make your app more user enticing

Efficient onboarding experience

Onboarding is an important element that constructs bridges and covers the distance between engaging the conceivable users to give a shot to your app and trying to transform into the returning users. So try to provide an exceptional onboarding user experience because it applies the basis for controlling and enticing users.

Keep things simple

The processing power of the human brain has a limitation. Having a messy or too much interface can disrupt or complicate the users. Because a mobile screen shows limited space so try to concentrate on making the design as uncomplicated and helpful as you can. Try to keep things simple and smart in your mobile app.

Minimum search effort 

Aid your users to locate what they need swiftly with less search endeavor. This system will meet the users’ requirements and end up driving high conversion rates. You can integrate search strategies like barcode scanning, filters, keyword search, etc, in your app to guide your users directly to what they are looking for. 

Valuable push notifications 

Push notifications are not a technique element of an app. However, they are clearly playing an essential role in the overall user experience. Push notifications can assist you to enhance your app engagement. If you keep invading your users always with unrelated notifications, it could lead them to uninstall your app.

Trustworthy and security

We always download apps only to be conquered by a long list of security clearances that we need to abide by before we can utilize them. Make sure your app requests the relevant approvals to make it relaxing and secure for users. 

Less user Input

Long forms with excessive fields aren’t perfect particularly on mobile screens. If your mobile app needs form input from the users, make sure you are maintaining the necessary information fields to a minimum. This kind of structure helps to decrease the errors and while these may look relatively minor, they are fantastic to improve the ease of use. 


Building an awesome app is no straightforward task as it contains several elements, which operate systematically to help users and business objectives. Optimal user experience requires an innovative shift far away from traditional methods towards a mobile-centric way of consideration. We also prepare simple, efficient, influential, and instinctive user experiences based on the Human Interface Guidelines and Behavioral Practices.


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