How To Build A Medicine Reminder & Tracker Mobile App

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The mobile apps’ advent in the health & fitness sector has created it easier to look after our special and ourselves’ health. Pill reminder and medication tracker apps fib in the exact horizon of the telehealth or mHealth variety. Given that, a disease gets higher and beyond precluding only if a patient would not have taken medicine as stipulated. 

Why create a medication tracking app when Siri or Google Assistant can manage that? “Hey Siri, remind me to take the meds at 4 pm” — and that’s it, right? Wait, how about the dosage and all other gaps for taking the medications? What if we require to take more than a single medicine? What if … you get the point, right? 

Suddenly, creating a medicine reminder doesn’t look like overkill. If you desire guidance on how to make a medication management app to assist patients and providers, grab your famous beverage and let’s roll. 

How does this app solve your issue?

Research showed 45.8 percent of the total US population requires at least one prescription medication within a month. Not taking medicine prescribed by a physician or medic could deteriorate the disease, hospitalization, or even impulsive dying. 

The phenomenon is known as prescription non-adherence. And it has been a stringent issue in America. Even Studies have constantly indicated that 20 to 30 percent of medication prescriptions are never sufficient. Whereas around 50 percent of medications belonging to severe diseases are not taken as specified. 

Medication non-adherence has been a significant issue and due to multiple causes, people do not take it extremely. Some say prescription reminds them that they are suffering, while many forget to take pills on time. In expansion, it has a characteristic that unites family fellows to examine the search for their loved ones’ medication. The feature stimulates the corresponding person to check up on the patient’s pill situation.

Features you required in your medicine reminder and tracker mobile app

Add medicine name Select medicine app type
Add reminder time Schedule medication start time
Add reminder frequency Schedule duration
Add dosage time Schedule days
Add quantity intervals Reschedule medication reminder
View and share medication records Add notes on dosage
Choose subscriptions Mark medicine intake or missed status
Add body measurements, vitals, and lab results Add doctor appointment for the reminder
Add family users to get them notified of your medicine intake Add emergency contact list
Add a family doctor Add/Refill prescriptions

Development cost to build a medicine reminder mobile app

This is the question that baffles entrepreneurs the most. If you are also anxious about the price of app development, you are not the only one on this list. The expense of developing a medicine reminder mobile app depends upon the features and functionalities of the app. This is not enough there are some other factors like platform, location of the developers, hourly rates of the developers are also responsible.

If you are a little tight on budget, you can consider hiring a mobile app development company for your on-demand real-estate mobile app. As a renowned mobile app development company, we are always excited and ready to take on new challenges and deliver an unparalleled digital solution to you. 


So before getting deep into the details of the platform or technology you use for your app, you need to be clear about what you really want in your app and how you can make it unique. So take your own time, then start the development process with the trusted and leading mobile app development company.

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy 

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