SEO Strategies for Online Businesses in 2020

SEO Strategies for Online Businesses in 2020-byappsinvo

Novel Coronavirus has put limitations on many events, programs, in 2020 with long-lasting impacts. As per the circumstances, many countries have to follow strict lockdown rules that have huge impacts on our lives. Many businesses are struggling to cope with the economic crisis that was largely devastated due to the COVID-19 outbreak. 

But acting happening all this, there is something that is still going in its way during this pandemic is the online businesses because it can change quickly and adapt to thrive. Due to online businesses, a lot of new changes are going on and adapting the activities that reflect the new environment.

If you are the one who is running online businesses, SEO strategies will help to build productivity it is time to impose SEO activity into your business. Here in this blog, we have decided to tell you the SEO strategies that will help you not only during the crisis but in the long term. 

Why SEO is imperative?

Here are some points that will define why SEO is imperative for online businesses in 2020

  • SEO provides businesses with a global reach and enough traffic on their sites.
  • SEO is renowned to pivot, preserve, and organize for during and post-pandemic success. 
  • It offers conversion optimization benefits. 
  • It provides high ROI & conversions. 
  • It aids to entice and lead the local customers and more sales in your local areas.
  • It provides new chances to light up your business during the pandemic. 

SEO Strategies for Online Businesses

Re-optimize your Content

Due to the COVID-19 search trends, many inactive topics are started reviving. Therefore, if you have any pre-existed content, give some new changes to that topic and make it relevant to your audience. After finalizing the blog and re-published it, try to put it on the top of the blog list to easily earn traffic for your website. 

Update Business Listings

Make sure all the information about your business on all the business listing websites should be updated and also check for the new lists that have been generated automatically. It is an effective SEO strategy for local online businesses. Try to respond to your customer reviews, try to revert to the customer queries as soon as possible. Also, try to set up google alerts so you can see the top review and auto-generated listings. there are some ways where you can easily find the best local SEO companies.

Extra Attention to the Conversion

The traffic of your website may drop due to the COVID-19 when many businesses are struggling to stay operating. So it will be good if you try to focus on the trends that will guide you in a better way. CRO i.e, conversion rate optimization is intimately related to SEO. if you are not getting enough traffic on your website, try to aim at innovative ideas to get more changes among your visitors. Try to add a call to action (CTA) button on your homepage and create a sidebar widget for visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. 

Create EverGreen Content

Every domain has its specific trending and evergreen topics but the COVID-19 is the hottest topic of this year or maybe stay for long. Here the content related to COVID-19 and post-pandemic will aid to gain traffic for your business but do not ignore the long-term goals. Also, try to keep up and prolonged with your evergreen content because, unlike trending content, it will boost the traffic on the website over time.

Relevant Keywords

SEO strategy is based on the trending terms or keywords that aid to boost traffic on your website. So try to target relevant keywords as per your niche in this pandemic. Niche-specific and long-tail searches related to your domain can aid your business to gain success. So try to create value-added content as per your keywords and let your content obtain its rank on the search engine and enjoy the gained traffic from your content. 


This COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down. We are struggling to stay safe from pandemics and businesses are struggling to thrive in the crisis. Many businesses are opting for SEO strategies to survive during the COVID-19 crisis time. This article is all about the SEO strategies that will aid the companies to cope with their online businesses during the pandemic. Try to use all the above-mentioned SEO strategies to get some fruitful aftermaths. And if you need some other digital marketing and mobile app development services, the Appsinvo team is always there for you. 

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy 

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