How Mixed Reality Transforming Teaching & Learning Experience


We all have those childhood memories where we usage of the Microsoft PowerPoint was just begun in the world of education at that no one has thought it will harmonize with education and become a foundation tool of education. For this, every school and college should get fir in with the technology. 

With the rapid changes in the technological evolution, learning and teaching have gone beyond PowerPoint and many major changes are yet to come. With the help of mixed reality, learning and teaching are simplified. This new \experience of learning and engagement is great fun that is the foremost reason why academic institutes are including mixed reality into their curriculum.

To give a speed to the MR trend, Microsoft is claimed on the launching of the MR by hololens academic. It shows both technology giants and academic institutes are gearing up to utilize the mixed reality in improving the teaching and learning in the education sector.

But what the heck is this mixed reality? For more brief detail you can check our previous blog about mixed reality. In this blog, we will talk about how the mixed reality revolutionizing the teaching and learning experience

Mixed Reality Transforming Teaching & Learning Experience

Make it interactive, engaging & fun

We all know it is not affordable to take the students to the space station and give them the experience of everything or make them visit what is inside the human body. In this fast-moving world, the virtual reality platform is delivering education through the virtual world.

Let the student know about the space with a short trip to the space station or helps to understand the human mind going inside along the teachers. These impressive teaching ways make everything easy for the students to understand the subject with their own eyes and in an interactive manner.

Explore the world from your room

There is no doubt that school outings and trips have more fun and entertainment than boring classrooms. How would you like it if you experience new things and a new world from your classrooms? Would you like it if you have taken to experience the kingdom of dynasty instead of reading it from the books? 

There is no doubt that it is more appealing and engaging than teaching from books. The usage of VR, AR, and MR give you a platform where you can easily enhance the teaching and learning experience. In the future, more teaching apps with innovative usage leverage mixed reality technology solutions. 

No additional skill required

This is a universal fact that in a classroom every student has their own potential and skillsets. When you teach students something using any digital device, the learning and catching ability varies with the students. 

With the help of virtual reality students just need to wear the headset and open the camera and voila they are switch to the virtual world. In some cases, interactions are required, in the virtual world easy to use, natural interaction makes the learning interactive and promotes self-learning. 

Make learning better

The interaction with the physical objects and try a practical on it is the best way to learn but every student does not get this opportunity to interact with the static models and learn the visual-motor learning remain unfulfilled.

That is why the AR learning app provides a visual experience by allowing the students to manipulate the spatial aspect of the virtual object. This gives students the freedom to experiment with virtually what they have learned and allows them to build their own virtual world.


Whether it is AR app development, VR app development, or MR app development, it is confirmed that these technologies have the potential to transform the way we used to learn and teach.

These technologies have the potential to turn the boring classrooms into a sci-fi classroom where textbook starts interacting or models taking the students on a trip to space by just wearing intelligent headsets. All this sounds like magic but it is real now.

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy

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