How To Develop A Video Editing App

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When the whole world is getting modern and digital, technological advancements are also getting updated. When we talk about smartphones, these devices never miss any chance to impress their users and provide fruitful updates regularly. Right from features like clicking pics, calling, setting alarms, etc. 

These days video editing apps are becoming a bright future in the upcoming days. The fantastic features and privilege to edit the video as per the choice of the video editing app are loved by the users. Users just need to record the videos and they can take the help of video editing apps.

There are many video editing apps development services businesses should get proper information about it like features and estimated cost of mobile video editing app development. If you are also looking for creating a video editing app, this blog is right for you. Let’s have a look at the blog,

Video editing apps overview

The video editing apps are like to use performing tasks like recording and editing videos as per the user preference. These video editing apps include a broad range of enticing and appealing effects, music, stickers, and emojis to make the video interesting. Users can trim the video as per the time they want. 

Must-have Features in a video editing app

Features are an essential part of computing to video editor app development solutions. Businesses need to be cautious and observant while choosing the app characteristics as it highly influences the price to develop a video editing app. Depending upon the various panels, several features are merged into them, have a look

User Panel Admin Panel Advance features
Sign-up or login Sign-up or login Add sound effects
Create or add video Dashboard  Real-time report and analytics
Multiple editing styles & themes User management Filters and stickers
Add custom song & music Themes & editing style management Add segment into a single frame
Video post Manage coupons Artificial intelligence
Save video in a private album
Profile creation
Coupons and discounts
App subscription

How to make money from video editing apps?

Not one, there are lots of ways through which video editing apps can earn enormous income. Below are some common methods you can get an advantage from, keep scrolling

  • Freemium model
  • In-app advertisements
  • Pay per download
  • App subscription

Necessary team structure and technology stack

Using the right technology stack will give a competitive benefit to your app. Therefore it is necessary to do the things right to give tough competition to your rivals.

Team structure

  • Team or project manager
  • Android or iOS developer
  • UI/UX app design
  • Backend developer
  • Quality assurance engineers

Technology stack

Android: Kotlin, Okhttp 3

iOS: Swift, Alamofire

Back-end development: Express4, Nodejs, SQL, Azure, MySQL, MongoDB

Social network sharing: TikTokSDK, Facebook SDK, Twitterkit SDK

Audio and adding music: MPMediaPickerController

Correcting color: GPUVideo (Android), MetalAPI (iOS)

How much does it cost to develop a video editing app?

This is the right time and grab the opportunity by creating your own video editing app. Now the most imperative question arises here, what would be the actual or estimated cost of developing a video editing app. So the cost of the app will depend on the features and technologies you are using in your app but an estimated cost of developing an app will be $6500-$9500. For more detailed information, feel free to contact our sales team, they are always available for you.


In the whole development process of the video editing app, appsinvo is a top mobile app development company in India with you as a trusted partner that not only provides you assistance through the dedicated developers but also looks after the cost to develop the video editing app. Appsinvo is the right choice for your video editing app development. 

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy 

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