Ratan Tata, the former chairman of Tata Group and an eminent industrialist, recently flagged a fake video in which ‘him’ recommended a risk-free investment option. The audio was generated by artificial intelligence.
If you click on the link at the bottom of the video, it will take you to a Telegram channel, which is not a secure connection. When a user joins the channel, they gain access to another channel called ‘Sona Agrawal’ and the username @Money_Sonabot.
A reverse image search reveals that the channel’s profile picture is of Sukhneett Wadhwa, a fashion blogger and Instagram influencer.
This isn’t the first time a deepfake video of a celebrity giving investment advice has surfaced. There are several other Telegram channels where deepfakes are widely shared.
Several other Telegram channels use artificial intelligence voice clones of celebrities to promote their investment schemes.
On Telegram, such groups can be both private and public. The language and ‘urgency’ in the messages encourage people to fall for the scam. Take a look at the image below, for example.
The prevalence of scams on Telegram emphasizes the importance of maintaining heightened vigilance in the digital realm. Users must be cautious, verify information, and avoid engaging in dubious schemes.
If you come across these AI voice-dubbed videos being shared on various social media platforms, here’s how you can stay safe:
- Do not click on a non-secure link or one that takes you to a Telegram channel.
- Do not put your money into schemes that promise higher returns.
- Do not invest if they use an urgent tone, such as ‘this is your last chance’.
- Do not share your personal information on any Telegram channel.
- If you are still a victim of such scams, file a cyber complaint as soon as possible and notify the bank.
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