Best Language for Android App Development: Kotlin Vs Groovy


After considering the several programming paradigms that are available across, it is not easy to find which will turn out to be the best one as they come with their own set of practices and features in place. There are many frameworks available for android app development but there are some programming languages in which you might get confused like Groovy and kotlin. 

In both languages, Groovy is functional but kotlin is procedural and functional as well. The construction process of the whole project right from the research, designing to development and managing dependencies is being managed and maintained by Gradle but there is more than adds to the popularity of these languages.

This article will burst all your doubt regarding which language will be suitable for your android app development project and give you some more insights as to which one will be suitable as per your project.

What is Kotlin

Kotlin is a statistically typed language and makes use of java virtual machine (JVM) and java. This language introduces an improved syntax with concise abstractions and expressions, reducing the need for excessive boilerplate code which is significant in android programming. You may leverage the benefits of Groovy with kotlin as very little coding is needed to grab that exact functionality. Kotlin is fully safe for developers and app development. 


  • Reliable and safe
  • Smart cast function
  • Extention function
  • Smart cast function
  • Reduce runtime crashes

Examples of Kotlin

  • Uber
  • Trello
  • Pinterest
  • Evernote

What is Groovy

Groovy is partially proportional to kotlin and somewhat identical to javascript. Groovy claims that it comes with static compilation capabilities but it is still known as a dynamic programming language. This language based on java and is concise, interoperable, and functional. Groovy introduces before the kotlin and it does not need to define any data type during the compiling time. Therefore, all the casting for the app development occurs at runtime. 


  • It supports dynamic typing.
  • It supports maps and lists.
  • Scripts without the class declaration
  • Multimethod and metaprogramming

Examples of Groovy

  • Netflix
  • Oracle
  • Linkedin

Differences: Kotlin and Groovy




Null Safety Nullable and non-nullable safety Does not ensure null safety
Dynamic/Static Statically programmed Dynamically programmed
Ecosystem Fewer libraries as fairly younger to groovy Good for reactive web development with in-built features and testing tools.
Java Integration Easily Interoperable Interoperable with third-party libraries. 
Concise  Fast development, advanced integration, and customization mechanism Decrease amount of boilerplate code
Learning curve Fewer lines for coding and easy readability Easily adopted by developers and well-versed with java
Syntax  In this, each class is a function. It has no such data classes. A new class of canonical added in the later versions
Performance time Same as java Slower than java and kotlin



This article is all about the little information about the Kotlin and Groovy. If you have any android app idea and you are sure about it how to turn it into reality this blog will help you in bursting all your doubts regarding which will be suitable for your android app development. Appsinvo is always there for you to provide assistance.

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy

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