What is Offline Mode & Its Implementation in Mobile Apps


We all love to stay productive as long as we can. In the world of the internet, we all do our office or own work with the internet and if sometimes the internet is not available or we are unable to access it, our all work goes on the pending lists. Sometimes this situation becomes worse when because of the unavailability of the internet in the middle of something imperative in this case users will prefer offline mode so they can do their work without being bothered. 

Nowadays, users are looking for the offline version of their used apps if they are not connected to the internet. A poor or bad internet connection delivers a poor user interface of the app. As per the report of the Localytics, approx 21% of the users give up using an app after a single usage, push notifications, in-app messaging are few strategies to retain the users. 

There are some types of apps for them offline mode is crucial by using some features of the app like the delivery app can provide offline mode by using the GPS navigation, banking apps, apps of medical support and etc. after getting so much appreciation of the offline mode for the mobile apps many brands like Trello, MX player, and many. 

What are Offline Mobile Apps?

We all are aware of the apps that work only when they get an internet connection for instance Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp required the internet to make calls, sending and receiving messages. But offline mobile apps provide access to users to operate the app even without an internet connection. The primary objective to develop an offline app is rendering the offline access to the people to get a flawless mobile app experience when the internet connection is not properly working or slow or low. Let’s see the top reasons to develop an offline app for your business

  • It gives users an incredible UX despite having network issues.
  • Having offline mode in your mobile apps, users will like it and suggest it to the others.
  • While traveling you can easily access this app.
  • Adequate medical assistance can be delivered in rural regions without a web connection.

Benefits of Offline Mode Feature

Let’s see some benefits of using a mobile app with an offline mode feature

Get a Competitive Advantage

Every app has its competitors in the market because the market is being huge and users pick their apps on some factors. Some users prefer the appealing design while some prefer the performance of the app. Launching an offline app over the online app or adding an offline feature in your app can give you a competitive advantage. 

Obtain loyalty from users

Giving the users access to use the app without having the internet will entice users to your app and make them more loyal towards your app due to offline mode functionality.

No roaming expenses

Some apps require a heavy amount for accessing the massive data network when you are traveling in other countries or overseas. At this time offline feature in your app can save your lots of money and data at the same time.

Quick loading time

This offline feature not only aids you to save your money and data but also your time. This offline feature renders a swift loading time despite having a poor connection and they render access to use all the app features. 

Save phone’s battery

This is the best and most admired benefit of the offline feature of your app. All users suffer from the battery drainage after using the smartphone for a while so for them this feature is like a savior because this feature saves a lot of battery that usually gets used more when you travel and the mobile dies. 

Technologies for the Offline mode

Consider these technologies while developing offline mode for your app.

Handle Sensitive Data

The private user data can not be removed from the app due to security reasons. Pre-installed data like blog posts and logos are saved in the user’s devices in the cache folder. Therefore, users do not require to install each time they use the content. 

Data synchronization

Data must be lists according to the business requirements. Some data must be updated once in a year while some of them must be updated in a few days. Therefore if your mobile does not need consistent data synchronization, you can sync the data at a particular time.

Modification in Shared Data

In some contexts, users are not online so changes in the data cannot be reached to the others. So many users work on the same data without changing it, if you cannot avoid such situations, try to focus on handling and deciding rules for how to handle those exceptions.

Final Thoughts

There are some apps that cannot be developed and design total offline. So you can render some features offline so users can use your app without using the internet. Providing an app for working offline makes sure the better user experience, competitive edge, and more client loyalty.

Till then, stay safe, stay at home, wash your hands, and be happy

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