Instagram now allows you to share posts and Reels with people on your ‘Close Friends’ list: Here’s how to go about it.

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Instagram, the popular Meta-owned photo and video sharing platform, has expanded its Close Friends feature to include posts and Reels. Previously, the Close Friends list, which allowed users to share updates with a specific group of friends rather than their entire follower list, was only available for Stories and Notes.

The expanded ‘Close Friends’ feature, announced by Mark Zuckerberg on his Instagram broadcast channel, works similarly to how users share Stories and Notes with a select group of people.

When someone likes or comments on a post or Reel shared with Close Friends, it is visible to everyone on the list. The addition of the Close Friends feature to Reels and posts has the potential to make Instagram a more private space for those who want to share their life updates with a small group of people.

For creators, the expanded feature set may open up some new revenue-generating opportunities, as they will be able to share exclusive content with those willing to pay.

How Can I Share Reels and Posts With My Close Friends?

Right before you share a post or Reel on the platform, a new ‘Audience’ option will appear, allowing you to choose whether to share updates with everyone who follows you or just your Close Friends. Choose ‘Close Friends’ and then tap ‘Done’.

Similar to how the feature works with Stories and Notes, a green ring will appear to indicate that the post or Reel will only be visible to the people you have added to your Close Friends list.

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