Filters define chats as read, unread, or in groups to improve message organization and access.

Filters define chats as read, unread, or in groups to improve message organization and access
Filters define chats as read, unread, or in groups to improve message organization and access

WhatsApp added filters on Tuesday, making it easier to organize chats from groups and individual chats. The new filters, which are available for both Android and iOS devices, help categorise messages as read, unread, or group. They can be found at the top of the WhatsApp home screen, allowing for faster access to the right message.

The update is currently being rolled out to a select group of users and will soon be available to everyone.

WhatsApp currently has three chat filters: “read,” which contains all read messages from individual chats and groups; “unread,” which contains all unopened messages from individual chats and groups; and “groups,” which displays groups with unread messages at the top.

Filters define chats as read, unread, or in groups to improve message organization and access 1

WhatsApp has been testing this feature with beta users for a while, and it is now available to everyone. According to Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook post, ‘Rolling out chat filters on WhatsApp so you can find important messages fast.’ If you haven’t yet had access to these new WhatsApp chat filters, make sure to update the app to the most recent version via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

WhatsApp is also introducing several new features, such as a redesigned sidebar on the web user interface. Similarly, the company is testing a variety of new AI features powered by Meta AI, which are currently only available to a select group of users.

WhatsApp is also introducing several new features, such as a redesigned web interface sidebar. Similarly, the company is testing a variety of new AI features powered by Meta AI, which are currently only available to a select group of users.

WhatsApp’s upcoming AI features include a ChatGPT-like chatbot and an AI image generator powered by Meta’s Llama. These features are currently in beta testing and are available to a select group of Android and iOS users.

Given Below are Some Adaptive Features of WhatsApp

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